What students, trainees, clients and colleagues are saying:
"I love you beyond words! “This body, this breath, this moment” has become my mantra … again and again…thank you from the depths of my soul for teaching from your heart. I am forever grateful to have shared a season of life with you. It truly changed the trajectory of my life! You helped me find the divinity within and provided me with so many tools to navigate this plane of existence. I am forever grateful. "
"Your alignment knowledge is kick ass and the way you guide your students to feeling into their own bodies not necessarily a specific shape is beautiful. YTT was so deep and introspective. I just loved how you invited us to dive deeper with almost every conversation.
I am so inspired by you. So many golden seeds of knowledge, insight, and wonder were planted in my time with you. You showed me that “stepping into a new way of being”(your words that I just LOVE) was possible! I sincerely hope our paths cross again for a class or a workshop or a session."
"Oh, you’re one of my top favs. You really listen and connect. You feel so much like a friend. It makes it so much easier to absorb information and energy when you feel a connection like this."
"The immediate word that comes to mind for me is "thoughtful." I always feel like every movement and every moment serves a purpose physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I feel that unique experience that I do with my favorite yoga classes and teachers - that the class was a long, slow burn that conversely went by in a flash."
"... the last time I attended your class I just felt that you were a way cool woman I wanted to hang out with just to be in your presence and to absorb more of your gentle intelligent compassionate power by osmosis. When are you coming over?"
"Makes me think about where I'm going and how I'm getting there physically, which also encourages me to explore where/how I'm going and getting to places in life/off the mat."
"You really cut through the crap and get to what's real, you hold space for what comes up and don't shy away from discomfort.
In my own life/practice/teaching, I start to self examine what I put out there and am able to reflect with more awareness"